Keep it Simple

We want to see your dog succeed in every training session… so make it easy. Lower distractions, up the value of the reward (especially in a new location).

Distractions- Always start out in a low distraction area (usually your home, in a room with no other people or animals). As your dog understands the behavior your teaching, you can up distractions, just know that sometimes behaviors fall apart in the beginning… just know this is totally normal. Just stay patient and don’t move too fast with the distractions.

Use Good Rewards

A reward is defined by the DOG, not the owner. Some dogs LOVE cherrios, other dogs won’t take it, they prefer cooked hot dogs.

Using food is a great way to TEACH behaviors, but once your dog knows the behavior, start mixing up the rewards, like; toys, walks, access to enjoyable things. Please see my blog on REWARDS. This is an extensive list on different rewards you can use during training.

Reward Good Behavior

This is especially true for new to you dogs. Keep treats out of reach for your dog around the house, so you can reward at any given moment. Anything you see your dog doing that is a behavior you want to see again, reward him/her for that behavior. You can use those treats you have on hand or you can say “good boy/girl”, give a gentle (calm) pat on the head, etc.

Ex: taking treats out when you take your dog out to potty, is a good idea so you can reward him for going in the place you want him to go.


Good reinforcers/rewards are what your dog enjoys. I suggest going through this list and finding what your dog most enjoys and then keeping notes so you can know the best way to reward your pup!

Here is just a list of food/life rewards to use in your training:


  • Diced hot dogs
  • Cut up deli meats (ham, turkey, etc)
  • Diced liverwurst
  • Meatballs
  • Diced bacon
  • Leftover steak
  • Bits of burger
  • Cheese cubes
  • Diced chicken
  • Baby/diced carrots
  • Diced apples
  • Banana
  • Blueberries
  • Vegetable peels
  • Cherrios
  • Chunks of canned tuna

From the Pet store:

  • Freeze dried liver
  • Wellness pure rewards
  • Diced Natural Balance food roll or Red Barn food roll
  • Fruitables
  • Zukes
  • Charlee Bears
  • Old Mother Hubbard Bitz
  • High quality, grain free kibble

Long Lasting rewards

  • Kong toys filled with cream cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, or wet dog food, then frozen
  • Shinbones filled with cream cheese or peanut butter
  • Dollop of peanut butter on a spoon
  • Meat based baby food

Life Rewards


  • Get out of crate
  • Go for a walk
  • Get out of car
  • Chance to train
  • Go to park
  • Go to the training center
  • Go to beach
  • Chance to see sheep
  • Chance to meet someone
  • Go for a swim
  • “Go see Mommy”
  • “Go see Daddy”
  • Chance to play with another dog
  • Fetch float-able toys
  • Fetch a ball
  • Chance to sniff grass
  • Chance to do nose work
  • Cue for a favorite behavior
  • Agility

Tactile Rewards

  • Belly rub
  • Butt scratching
  • Scratch under the chin
  • Permission to jump in my lap
  • Lick persons face
  • Petting from a stranger


  • Tennis ball
  • Kong squeaky tennis ball
  • Soccer ball
  • Frisbee
  • Squeaky toy
  • Tug toy
  • Antlers

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