Make Learning A Regular Part Of Your Dog’s Life

Dogs are smart and always need something new to learn or at least build on a previous behavior.

A good place to start is focus on 10 min AM and 10 min PM for the 2 days that you’re off and have time to dedicate the time to teaching your dogs. Once they know multiple behaviors… then work 5 min AM and 5 min PM each day.

A list of behaviors to start with are:

Training: Leave It

The meaning of “Leave it” is if you want anything in life, you back away from it to get it. By doing this you are instilling self-control and calm behavior. 


  • Start with a piece of treat in closed hand, put your hand in front of their nose and when they look at you, Click and Treat them, then do it again. 
    • After a few time of this and they are responding very quickly to you putting your hand out there, name it, “Leave It”.
  • 2ndstep is have a treat in your opened hand and put that in front of their nose (Don’t say anything, it’s like teaching a new behavior all over again), if they try to take the treat, then close your hand, only c/t for looking away while your hand is open. 
    • After a few C/T for looking away, start looking for them to look at your face, they don’t have to look at your face right away, but make sure you don’t stay on one part for too long, or you might stump your dog on that one spot, making them think this is the end product. 
    • Make sure you can get a good 2-3 sec eye contact, before you name it. 
    • Start with something your dog loves… a toy, bone, etc. Have your dog on a leash while doing this exercise. 
    • Put the toy or jar of peanut butter a good distance away (say 15-20 feet)
    • Say “Leave It”
    • If they can’t stop focusing on the object, say their name, then move further away
    • If they don’t look at you start backing up and call their name
    • C/T them whenever they look at you
    • Then repeat. When it is easier for the dog to look at you, move closer and closer until you are right by the object. 

4) Leave It GAME

  • You need to have 2 toys 
    • One toy they love and the other they like, but not as exciting at the other toy.
    • Throw the toy that is least excitable to them to the side
    • Tell them “Leave It”
    • When they look at you, reward with play with the more excitable toy. 
    • ONLY do this game after the dog responds to “Leave It” in the hand within 2-3 sec. 
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