Build On Your Dogs Success

Add new skills as your dog masters old ones.

Ex: When your dog sits every time you say “sit” in your bedroom, kitchen, and living room (etc), take it to the backyard and practice in the back yard, then front yard. Practice with different family members in different locations. Then take it to the park, Home Depot, a family or friends house… practice in as many locations as possible. Do this with all the behaviors your dog knows inside the house.

Then go back to your house and work on distance… can you tell your dog to “sit” from 5 feet away? 10 feet? 20 feet?? You may need to break this up by foot… start small, but figure out YOUR goals… how far away from you would you like your dog to respond and work towards that goal.

Work on each behavior in the same formula 🙂

Plan Ahead

Identify behaviors you want your dog to know – I have a list for each dog I own, that I want him or her to know. Then I plan what behavior we are going to focus on each session.

If I want to TEACH a NEW behavior, we focus on JUST that 1 per session. If we are practicing old behaviors then I’ll practice multiple behaviors.

It helps to write out a goal for each behavior so you know what you are working toward.

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