Hi guys! Keep up the good work!! I hope you are seeing more progress.
Here is the next step to “Touch”
If your dog is running to you and touching your hand every time you present it, then you are ready to give it a name! Go back to the first step. Present your hand a few inches from your dog’s nose and when your dog touches your hand, say “Touch” or “Nose” (whichever you prefer… something that is easy for you to remember). It should go like this: offer hand, dogs touches hand/say “Touch”, C/T! Repeat. Work with both hands. After a few touches with you saying “touch” when he touches, start saying it when he is starting to go for your hand, repeat this a few times. After practicing for a little bit, say “Touch” then present your hand and see what your dog does. If he touches, GREAT, you’re ready to move on. If he doesn’t touch your hand, go back to making it easier for your dog.