Why do dogs jump anyway?
Dog’s jump to say hello! And to tell you they are worried about something.
So knowing there are multiple reasons why dogs jump, we will look at the 1st reason today and work on the first steps of how to change the behavior.
Anti-jump training when you arrive at home. Dogs are so excited when their people come home (whether from work or from a grocery store trip… doesn’t matter… you’ve been gone, they’re happy to see you!)
- Go outside or behind a door (you can practice with all the doors in your house before working on the front/garage door… OR just jump right in at the main door where you are experiencing the most jumping)
- Open the door a teeny bit. If the dog jumps, shut the door.
- Repeat until you can step through the door without your dog jumping up.
- If he jumps on you, walk back outside and start again.
- Whenever your dog keeps 4 paws on the floor, reward him (praise or treats-I find dropping treats on the floor helps drive the point home faster than when I deliver the treat to the mouth of the dog).
- Practice this when you are home (not coming home from somewhere at first). Once your dog can do this really well just in a training session, then try to do it when you come home from being gone a short period of the time. Then practice it when you get home from longer trips away.
There is more tips and tricks – come back for more!